Ep 90 – Make It Rhyme

This week we talk about all sorts of good stuff, you won’t want to miss one iota of this show. Franco, listener feedback, voicemail, follow-ups, shout-outs, we have the whole kit and kaboodle here for you this week.  Even a ‘Guess That Stage Name’ quiz is thrown into the mix. What more could you ask for? Intro/outro music: Arctic Monkeys ‘Do You Wanna’.

Oh! And one more thing? Happy Anniversary to us! This month marks FOUR YEARS of recording the podcast!  Do you like our show? Then throw some feedback our way. Go ahead and leave us an iTunes review! Just that little effort will help us stay in the rankings of iTunes ‘What’s Hot‘ which is a big thing in the podcast-o-sphere. Rilly.  Do you want to tell us something? Go ahead and call the voicemail at 818-643-1565. It’s fun!  In addition, you can email to thebecauseshow@baldmove.com if you want to get in touch with us. . And, of course, ‘like’ us on fb or tweet @thebecause on twitter to check in with us between episodes. See you next week! xxoo




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