Second Breakfast #2 – “Hot takes on your hotcakes”

David and John bring their Patreon-exclusive monthly podcast “Second Breakfast” to the public as a Christmas present. They talk about pancakes, parenting, tabletop games, Clone Wars, and more before answering listener feedback. Then, David and John each rank their Top Ten shows of 2022. If you’d like to join us for next month’s Second Breakfast, head to our Patreon linked below.

Contact Us

Send in questions to or comment on the question roundup post which will be up a week before the next episode on Patreon.

If you’d like to support us directly or have access to ad free episodes and Second Breakfast every month, join us on Patreon!

Find us on Twitter @thelorehounds or join us for further discussion of the Top Shows of 2022 over on the Bald Move Discord server:

Any opinions stated are ours personally and do not reflect the opinion of or belong to any employers or other entities.

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