401 – “30 Days Without an Accident”

Welcome back to “The Walking Dead” everybody!  This is our first full length, feature cast, and it’s bursting with new features, courtesy of our Kickstarter campaign.  We’ve got instant casts, skits, live video casting, all kinds of stuff, head over to our project page for the full details.  And hey!  You have about 24 hours to go, so it’s not too late to help us fund our final two goals AND snag yourself some sweet, sweet rewards.

As far as the episode?  We really liked it!  We took some heat for the first time in Bald Move history by liking an episode more than a few, but maybe we’re giving the Gimple the benefit of the doubt, maybe we were heavily influenced by the spectacular big box set piece, and maybe we just missed some zombie mayhem in our Sunday nights… at any rate, it’s what we honestly thought.

In our podcast we discuss prison hygiene, gun safety basics, planting guns, zombie pinatas, the Blair Walker Project, tons of your feedback, and we talk a little bit of light comic spoilers in the spoiler section.  See you Sunday night!

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