Jim and A.Ron are here to say goodbye to Carl, and to have the debate about whether or not we should be saying goodbye in the first place. While acknowledging this is an above par episode of The Walking Dead by AMC Studios standards, it commits several offenses, chief among them the decision to undercut a fairly effective scene of a father and surrogate mother saying tearful goodbyes to their son with yet. More. Morgalizing. Everyone involved is too good for what they’re doing, perhaps even including us, but we’ll be here to continue to catalog the decline of a once great television empire.
Special thanks to our sponsors this week for their support of the podcast! HelloFresh is offering our listeners $30 off their first week of fresh ingredients and tasty recipies delivered right to your door. Just visit HelloFresh and enter twd30 when signing up for your plan.
Casper is offering our listeners $50 toward select mattresses by visiting Casper.com/watchingdead and using watchingdead at checkout. Terms and conditions apply.
A big thank you to Mysteriana for creating the Watching Dead theme music. Find all of their music at MysterianaMusic.com
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