Walking Dead Review – “Cherokee Rose” – 204

Sorry for the delay, folks.  I’m traveling on business, and it did not occur to me that the hotel I was at would not have AMC.  So I had to wait for the episode to be released digitally with all the other schmucks on iTunes.  This will not impact our release of the cast tomorrow, as I will be joining Jim remotely by phone hookup.  On to the review…

A fan on Facebook put it best; two steps forward, one step back.  After the previous two episodes that came close to, but not quite got to the “Pilot” levels of quality, this was a real let down.

Not to say there weren’t some quality moments.  I liked everything to do with Darryl, and his speech about the Cherokee Rose actually redeemed Carol’s useless ass somewhat in my eyes.  I’m kind of puzzled about why he wouldn’t tell the group straight away that he found evidence of (probably) a small child living in the creepiest, creakiest house imaginable, but this show makes a habit out of kicking stuff to the next week for purposes of pacing even if it doesn’t quite make logical sense.

I kind of like T-Dog and Dale’s outsider relationship forming, although I’m kind of disappointed they didn’t explore more of the racial problems the group may or may not have.  However, judging by the feedback we’ve received, that wasn’t exactly a popular storyline.

I also liked Glenn’s awkwardness with the now upgraded from apocalypse hot to just plain hawt Maggie.  I’m pretty sure he was quoting Pee-wee Herman’s speech to Dottie at one point there.  Jesus, guys, I hope you don’t really think that’s how women operate, or what they are attracted to, or there are going to lots of virgins til the dead walk the earth.  And no, I’m not talking about the color of his skin or the shape of his eyes, I’m talking about the Socially Awkward Penguin act.  Man up!

Rick’s interactions with his son were a treat too.  I’m warming up to this kid playing Carl.  I almost think that my previous description of his as “creepy” were because he was playing Carl almost like a mini-adult.  Now that he just gets to be a kid, and hang out with his dad and think it’s cool to be shot and wear dad’s hat, I’m charmed.

But… that leaves the rest, and the rest was kind of a mess.

  • I don’t want to step on my survival review for this week, but oh for the love of Joke Playing Jesus.  Soup to nuts, the plan for dealing with the “swimmer” was batshit loco, and I don’t want anybody trying to tell me otherwise.  Just, no.
  • Shane was awful at Otis’ funeral.  Plus, the scene was pulling involuntary laughter out of me out of the combination of Shane’s outfit, the crappy acting and dialog, and his new haircut showcasing the man’s lobes.  This is going to be a problem going forward, I really wish I could unsee them.
  • More strained God talk.  This is a complete no sale for me.  I’m not sure how it plays for a believer, but I’ve liked Herschel up until he started getting wry with Rick about his relationship with God.  Hell, I think Rick has earned some enmity with the Almighty.
  • That was about the most violent prelude to a pregnancy test that I can imagine.  Fierce!
  • Up until Darryl softened me up for her by virtue of his being awesome, Carol just kept digging herself into a bigger hole with me.  After this group is risking their necks hanging around looking for her daughter, she has the nerve to turn bitchface on Andrea and the others trying to offer her comfort?

So that’s what I thought!  How about you?  Send us your take via emailFacebook, or Twitter.  We’ll read as much as we can on air during our podcast, which records and is released Tuesday evening.  Be looking for an article or two from Jim this week, as well as my weekly Survival Review which comes out Friday.  Don’t forget, if you like what we do, please help support us through our Amazon affiliate link, amazon.baldmove.com.  By using it, you get the same great deals and pricing through Amazon, and we get a tiny percentage of your purchase to help us keep the bandwidth flowing.



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